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Introduction of "HUMO" cards. Briefly about the main changes
Many Uzcard holders are concerned about what will happen to the current cards and the funds on them? But as representatives of the payment system "Humo" say the rest of the cards will work as usual and the transition is voluntary....
On April 1, 2019, cell phone registration will begin
First of all, I would like to say that this measure is required for the safety and reliability of the data provided on the product.
About cabs in Uzbekistan. What will change from 2019?
Big changes are expected in the cab market from 2019, from free parking on the territory of the aero-port, to the possibility of IE (Individual Entrepreneur) to engage in the activity of a line taxi....
The amount of the statutory fund is determined by the founders
Previously, when registering a Limited Liability Company, joint stock companies, family businesses, their authorized capital could not be lower than the minimum established. Now due to amendments in the Legislative Acts this requirement has been excluded....
Payments by QR code or what prevents the implementation?
As far back as 2015, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the concept of e-commerce development, and this year it is planned to implement it. For example, the Decree of the President from 06.03.2019, states the replacement of payment terminals for line cabs with devices with special applications, including QR-code scanners....
Green Zones Project in Uzbekistan
According to the Ministry of Justice on the official Telegram-channel, about 150 million ornamental and fruit trees are planned to be planted throughout the Republic, which will significantly affect the improvement of ecology in Uzbekistan...
Restrictions on female labor are lifted
According to the Presidential Decree, measures were taken to further strengthen the guarantees of labor rights and support women's entrepreneurial activities.
Legislative changes from March 2019
From March of this year, the previously approved proposed legislative changes will come into force, and in this article we will look at them in more detail:
The interest rate on loans for entrepreneurs has risen
Relatively recently, a state program "Every family is an entrepreneur," which assumes a soft loan for family business and according to this program for the family business soft loan is given up to 150 GRP, small businesses (up to 1,000 GRP) ....
Call-center for the population of Uzbekistan
This proposal was received from the Center for Public Opinion Research, which later changed its name to the Republican Public Opinion Center Izhtimoiy fikr.
Under consideration is a new procedure for admission to domestic institutions of higher education
The other day on the portal SOVAZ (System for evaluation of the impact of legislative acts) was published a new procedure for admission to domestic universities, this bill was developed by presidential decree. Let's break it down in order:...
C 1 апреля регистрация автотранспорта в центрах гос.услуг Ташкента
Согласно установленному Указу Президента №УП-5278, в котором говорится о передачи регистрации автотранспортных средств центру гос.услуг срок, которого был определен до 1 ноября 2020 года, но изменения произойдут уже с 1 апреля и с указанной даты можно будет пройти госрегистрацию автомашины в любом из одиннадцати Центров госуслуг Ташкента....
В Узбекистане примут Кодекс профессиональной этики журналистов
В первую очередь хотелось бы упомянуть, что данный законопроект был в разработке еще в далеком 2017 году, но только сейчас как очевидно приближается к своему заключительному этапу.
Товарные знаки начнут сверять с общеизвестными
Во-первых, произошли некоторые изменения в Агентстве интеллектуальной собственности, а именно они перешли в систему Министерства Юстиций. Директор агентства получил статус замминистра юстиций...
Снят запрет на публикацию некоторых сведений
На одном из последних заседаний Кабинета Министров, был рассмотрен и одобрен законопроект о снятии некоторых ограничений на публикацию, а именно:
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