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What is EDI?
What is EDI?

Electronic document management (EDI) for legal entities is a system for the exchange of electronic documents and information between organizations that uses digital technologies for document management and processing.

This is a modern and effective way to improve document management processes, reduce paperwork and increase the security and reliability of information exchange. Here are some of the main aspects of electronic document management for legal entities:

1 Electronic documents: Replacing paper documents with digital versions, such as emails, scans, PDF files and other electronic formats.

2 Electronic signature: The use of electronic signatures for authentication and authentication of electronic documents. This allows you to establish that the document has not been changed after signing.

3. Today, the accounting sector is one step ahead in terms of the volume of document flow converted into electronic form. Accounting programs (1C; Accounting; 1UZ Accounting) have been used in work for a long time. Electronic invoices are already mandatory. It is possible to issue electronic powers of attorney for obtaining goods and materials and register electronic contracts, while all these actions are available through the taxpayer's personal account.

3 Security: Protecting the confidentiality and integrity of data using modern encryption methods and protection against unauthorized access.

Processed electronic documents can be archived and stored on the computer itself. At the same time, it is desirable to have an electronic archive copy of them on a third-party server or at least an external media (USB flash drive, CD-ROMs or removable hard disk).

4 Speeding up processes: Improving the speed of document processing, as they can be instantly transmitted and processed electronically.

5 Automation: Implementation of automated document management systems that allow you to automatically route, store and archive documents.

6 Integration: The ability to integrate with other information systems of your organization, for more efficient management of business processes.

7 Employee training: Preparing staff to use the EDI system and providing access to training materials.

The introduction of electronic document management can significantly improve the efficiency of the organization, reduce risks and save resources.

At one time, clerks resisted the transition from paper registration logs to the EDO system. Now, in many organizations, internal approval of documents is already carried out in electronic form. Despite the existing limitations in the full transition to EDI, even a partial transfer of work processes to an electronic format will significantly optimize the work of employees. In any case, EDO is the future, so it's better to start a gradual transition to this document management system right now.

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What is EDI?
This is a modern and effective way to improve document management processes, reduce paperwork and increase the security and reliability of information exchange
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