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Liquidation of an enterprise

Liquidation of an enterprise is a complex of measures for stopping the activities of an organization and passing all necessary checks in the tax inspection. This is a rather complex process that takes place in several stages and takes totally from 3 months to 9 months.


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Ways of liquidation of the enterprise:
  1. By the decision of the owner of the firm.

    In this case, the owner himself appoints a liquidation commission, which is directly engaged in the liquidation of the firm's activities. When the organization is closed, Legalact employees conduct comprehensive inspections in all necessary funds and tax inspectorates.

  2. Liquidation through bankruptcy

    This procedure for the liquidation of a company's activity can only begin with creditors of the debtor through the court. In the court session, representatives of creditors confirm the existence of debts to the creditor. This way the total amount of debts is formed by own assets or liquidation of a firm.

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