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Consulting on taxation in Uzbekistan

Taxation is a system for calculating taxes and forms of their payment levied in a legal manner.

In the process of taxation the state is financed by its citizens (legal entities and individuals).

A tax is a mandatory non-repayable payment established by the state and paid to the budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan or to a state trust fund (budget system).

Optimization of taxation in Uzbekistan is a laborious process, in which it is necessary to take into account all the nuances of your chosen activity. Therefore, before starting these actions, it is necessary to carefully consider future steps, calculate the risks and seek help from highly qualified specialists who work at LegalAct.

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LegalAct advises legal entities and individuals on the following type of taxation in Uzbekistan:
  1. value added tax (VAT);
  2. excise tax;
  3. income tax;
  4. personal income tax (PIT);
  5. tax for the use of subsoil;
  6. tax for the use of water resources;
  7. property tax;
  8. land tax;
  9. social tax;
  10. value added tax.

Our specialists provide services in the field of taxation during rendering of:

  • Tax and accounting support, which includes the creation of all necessary documents, preparation and submission of tax reports for your business.
  • Dispute resolution, which includes the totality of all the necessary procedures for resolving disputes in various ways.
  • Reorganization of legal entities, which includes all the nuances of taxation during reorganization in the form of: affilation, acquisition, division, separation and transformation.
  • Tax Management, which includes tax management and tax optimization for your business.

Reasons to cooperate with us:

  1. Long-term experience in taxation of legal entities and individuals.
  2. Operational responsiveness at work.
  3. Provision of high quality of services.
  4. Consulting on any taxation related issues.
  5. Assistance in optimization of expenses related to taxation.
  6. Competent legal assistance in the preparation of all the necessary documentation
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