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Registration Permanent Establishment in Uzbekistan

What is a Permanent Establishment in Uzbekistan?

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Registration Permanent Establishment in Uzbekistan
A permanent establishment (PE) is a division of a foreign company operating in Uzbekistan on a continuous basis. This can take the form of a branch, representative office, agency, or other similar business entity. A permanent establishment is not an independent legal entity but carries out functions related to doing business in Uzbekistan.

How to Register a Permanent Establishment for a Non-Resident in Uzbekistan?

The registration of a PE involves several key steps:

Choosing the type of establishment: Depending on the nature of the business and the goals of the company, the appropriate form of permanent establishment is selected — branch, representative office, agency, etc.

Preparing documents: A package of documents confirming the company's registration abroad, as well as information about the company's director, charter documents, and financial statements, is required for registration.

Registration with government authorities: After preparing the necessary documents, the PE must be registered with the Tax Authority and other relevant government bodies in Uzbekistan.

Obtaining licenses and permits: Depending on the type of activity, additional licenses or permits may be required from regulatory authorities.

Taxation of a Permanent Establishment in Uzbekistan

Permanent establishments of non-residents are subject to taxation in Uzbekistan. Key taxes include:

Profit Tax: The profit tax rate for a PE is 15% on net profit.

VAT: PEs engaged in the sale of goods and services must register as VAT payers. The standard VAT rate in Uzbekistan is 15%.

Property Tax: If a PE owns property in Uzbekistan, it is subject to property tax.

Social Contributions: Social contributions to the pension and healthcare systems are required for employees of the PE.

Benefits of Creating a Permanent Establishment in Uzbekistan

  • Legal Business Operation: Registering a PE allows foreign companies to operate legally, reducing risks of administrative and financial penalties.
  • Access to the Uzbek Market: Establishing a PE provides new opportunities for business expansion and increased presence in the Uzbek market.
  • Tax Benefits: In some cases, foreign investors can benefit from tax incentives and preferences available to foreign companies.

Registering a permanent establishment for a non-resident in Uzbekistan is an important step for foreign companies looking to establish a long-term presence in the country. Adhering to all legal and tax requirements ensures a successful and effective operation.

LegalAct provides services for opening permanent establishments in Uzbekistan and offers full accounting services for PEs. We assist with registration, taxation, and financial support, ensuring compliance with all legal requirements and successful business operations in Uzbekistan.

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